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NNPC/Total 2018/2019 National Merit Scholarship Scheme For Nigeria Students

Applications are welcomed from suitably qualified Undergraduate Nigeria students for NNPC/Total National Merit Scholarship Scheme.

The award , which is open to all first year and second year full time students irrespective of curse of study, is aimed at assisting brillian Nigerian students to finanace their education.

The scheme provides annual scholarship
grants to successful candidates from their year of award (first year or second) to the completion of their degree.

To qualify for consideration, the applicant MUST:
Be a Registered FULL TIME undergraduate in a recognized Nigerian University
Be a certified 100 or 200 level student at the time of application

Please Note:
Students with less than 200 score in UTME need not apply
Students with less than 2.50 CGPA of 5-point
scale, or equivalent
300 level students and above need not apply
Current beneficiaries of similar awards from any other Company or Government Agency need not apply.

Press the link below to apply :

General Information
Selection tests will hold on December 1st, 2018 at designated centers nationwide.
Candidates shall bear the full cost of
transportation to/from the Selection Test venue.
Candidates are therefore advised to choose a test center closest to them.

Application Deadline 
31st October, 2018.

Only Shortlisted candidate's we be contacted for the selection Test 
NNPC/Total 2018/2019 National Merit Scholarship Scheme For Nigeria Students NNPC/Total 2018/2019 National Merit Scholarship Scheme For Nigeria Students Reviewed by joel on October 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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