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FUGUS 2018/2019 Pre-Degre Admission Form Released

This is to inform the general public especially interested qualified candidates  that the Federal University Gusau (FUGUS) has commenced the online sales of forms for the University’s one-year Pre-Degree
programme for the 2018/2019 Academic Session.

The Pre-degree programme is for Science, Social Science or Art students and is designed to prepare them for admission into undergraduate courses being offered in the University.

Interested candidates should visit the University website , to obtain a Remitta and make payment of four
thousand seven hundred naira only (N4,700) for the Registration.

Thank you.
FUGUS 2018/2019 Pre-Degre Admission Form Released FUGUS 2018/2019 Pre-Degre Admission Form Released Reviewed by joel on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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